Cross-Species Group
The Cross-Species Group is developing novel cross-species imaging and behavioral task paradigms for studying various aspects of brain aging. The effort is funded by the NEW Brain Aging Center.

F. Vankee Lin, PhD, RN
Clinical Professor, Stanford University
Dr. Lin is a leader in research on brain aging and dementia. Her career is dedicated to understanding the neurophysiological mechanisms of cognitive impairment and designing non-pharmacological interventions to target those mechanisms to delay or prevent cognitive decline, particularly in individuals at risk for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.

Kuan Hong Wang, PhD
Professor, University of Rochester
Dr. Wang is a neuroscientist whose research aims to understand how genetic and experiential factors impact the developmental trajectory and functional architecture of brain circuits critically involved in psychiatric disorders in order to develop improved treatment and management for these diseases. His current research interests include the developmental origin, functional specialization, and therapeutic modulation of cortical circuits involved in the cognitive and affective control of behaviors.

Yi Zuo, PhD
Professor, University of California Santa Cruz
Dr. Zuo is a neuroscientist who researches how the neuronal circuitry rewires during learning and memory formation, particularly in the motor system. Dr. Zuo's laboratory combines live imaging, molecular genetics, opto- and chemo-genetics, and mouse behavioral analysis to investigate the cellular mechanisms underlying synapse plasticity in both physiological and pathological conditions.