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Completed Studies

Pandemic Study

The Pandemic Study examined how the presence of a global environmental stressor like COVID-19 may change how one recollects and appraises not only ongoing daily activities but also past life events that may be recollected or appraised differently under stress.

MRI Story

fMRI neural correlates of story comprehension to reveal mild cognitive impairment

The MRI Story study explores whether neural brain patterns invoked by story comprehension can reflect cognitive health in older adults aged 65 years or older, with and without mild cognitive impairment, to examine whether these brain patterns can predict changes in cognition.

BEEM Study

HARP Cognitive Training

Healthy Aging Research Program: Computerized Cognitive Training  

Based on vision-based speed of processing (VSOP) training, we studied the effects of computerized cognitive training on social well-being in adults aged 60 years or older. ​​

PACT Study

Personalized Engagement Program (PEP)

We used a person-centered intervention to assess whether computer-based cognitive training programs modify attitudes towards technology use, cognitive function, and independence. Participants are older adults aged 60 years or older with mild memory complains who are current residents of local senior living communities. 

CF Study

Neural Mechanisms of Central Fatigability

This was a two-year NIH-funded study. We recruited people aged 65 years or older without cognitive impairments and used computerized tasks and fMRI to assess CF.  

CogTE Study

Computerized Cognitive Training - Expanded 

This was a four-year NIH-funded study. We recruited people aged 60 years or older with a clinical condition called "Mild Cognitive Impairment." We provided computerized cognitive training to help slow cognitive and functional decline.

ESB Study

Stressful Experiences and Alzheimer's Disease 

This was a two-year Alzheimer's Association-funded project. We recruited people aged 60 years or older with different cognitive states (cognitively healthy, MCI, and mild Alzheimer's disease). We utilized a cognitive stress task protocol with fMRI, ECG, and stress (cortisol) levels (through saliva samples).


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