Welcome to the CogT Lab
Age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, are major health challenges among aging populations. Maintaining cognitive and functional independence are critical for healthy aging. To serve such purposes, the CogT Lab invests in a mechanistic understanding of brain aging. These mechanisms inform our work on developing innovative interventions aimed at delaying the progression of Alzheimer's-related dementia and promoting successful cognitive aging.
We are actively recruiting undergraduate students and postdoctoral fellows who have a background in one or more of the following fields: neurosciences (e.g., cognitive, computational, clinical), computational biology, computer and data sciences, math, statistics, or engineering with health applications, neuroimaging, and/or gerontology/geriatrics.
View available positions here
News and Events
June 2024
[New award] Congratulations to Adam Turnbull for receiving K01: “Characterizing biopsychological mismatch during cognitive training in mild cognitive impairment as a means of improving transfer”.
Nov 2023
[New award] Congratulations to Qianru Xu awarded Säätiöiden post doc -pooli (“the Foundations’ Post Doc Pool”) supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.
July 2023
[New award] Congratulations to Dabne Herrera Guerra awarded the prestigious NIH Scholarship Undergraduate Scholarship (UGSP).
July 2023
[New award] Congratulations to Dabne Herrera Guerra awarded the prestigious NIH Scholarship Undergraduate Scholarship (UGSP).
Jun 2023
[New paper] Adam Turnbull et al.'s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: TRCI: Robustness and replicability across cognitive training trials for brain aging: A focus on interoperability.
Mar 2023
[New paper] Sarah Therrien and Adam Turnbulls' manuscript has been accepted for publication in Aging & Mental Health: Influence of Affective States on Informant Impression of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in people living with MCI.
Jan 2023
[New paper] Liz Peralta-Malváez and Adam Turnbulls' manuscript has been accepted for publication in Geroscience: CCA identifies a neurophysiological marker of adaptation capacity that is reliably linked to internal locus of control of cognition in amnestic MCI.
Nov 2022
[New paper] Dr. Vankee Lin's manuscript has been accepted for publication in American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: A multi-dimensional model of fatigue in old age: Implications for brain aging.
Oct 2022
[New paper] Adam Turnbull et al.'s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Cortex: Effect of online tDCS to left somatomotor cortex on neuropsychiatric symptoms among older adults at risk for dementia.
Sept 2022
Congratulations to Adam Turnbull who will chair a nanosymposium, at Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2022 in San Diego, CA, featuring research from the CogT Lab on emotional well-being and cognition in aging. Thanks to Adam for coordinating the nanosymposium!
Aug 2022
[New paper] Adam Turnbull et al.'s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Ageing Research Reviews: Unifying framework for cognitive training interventions in brain aging.
July 2022
[New award] Congratulations to Mia Anthony on receiving a two-year NIH fellowship to examine positive affective experience as a mechanism for explaining how some older adults with neurodegeneration maintain intact cognitive function.
June 2022
[New paper] Adam Turnbull et al.'s manuscript has been accepted for publication in Journal of Alzheimer's Disease: A novel explainability approach for technology-driven translational research on brain aging.
April 2022
[New award] Congratulations to Draco Xu, one of our undergraduate lab members, on receiving a summer internship fund from University of Rochester through the Xerox Foundation - David T. Kearns Fund.
Mar 2022
[New paper] Adam Turnbull and former lab member Quanjing Chen et al. have published in NeuroImage: Enhancing Cortical Network-level Participation Coefficient as a Potential Mechanism for Transfer in Cognitive Training in aMCI.
Feb 2022
[New grant] CogT Lab has received an Alzheimer's Association Research Award on understanding effective engagement in lifestyle intervention for preventing dementia, starting 4/1/2022.
Nov 2021
[Workshop] Join the CogT Lab for a virtual Neuroimaging and Brain Aging workshop, 12/15/21, 8am-2:30pm PT, featuring talks by leading experts! View the workshop flyer here.
Please register at newbrainaging.org/contact.
Zoom link: urmc.zoom.us/j/99012312750.
Oct 2021
The 2022 Pilot Project Award Program invites applications for 1-year awards to provide project support for investigators in any of three areas: pilot research, proof-of-concepts, and seed collaborations related to brain aging and/or emotional wellbeing. Letter of intent due 11/10, apps due 12/1.
More info here
[New grant] CogT Lab has received an NIH R21/R33 grant to support the development of a brain-computer interface for personalized cognitive training to prevent dementia.
May 2021
Congratulations to Bennett Kukla for successfully defending his senior thesis at Cornell University.
CogT Lab is beginning a transition to the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University.
We are excited to build new collaborations and use multimodal neuroimaging and computational approaches to improve our understanding of the neural mechanisms that can promote healthy aging. Further details will be announced.
Mar 2021
[New paper] Quanjing Chen, et al. has published in Human Brain Mapping:
[New paper] Bennett Kukla and Mia Anthony, et al. have published The Journal of Gerontology: Series A: Brain Small-Worldness Properties and Perceived Fatigue in Mild Cognitive Impairment.
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